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Welcome Explorers


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Online classes

a nonprofit with the mission to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

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Revise notes from past exams

Concise revision notes, 10,000 past papers, 70,000 exam questions and more... all tailored to your exams.

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Nasa Page for students in grades 9-12

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BBC Bite size

Exercises and preparation for exams

People and Careers

M.Curie working in her lab
Marie Curie

the woman who coined the term 'radioactivity.'

Edith Clarke photo
Edith Clarke

first female electrical engineer

man in suit
Explore careers by job sectors

From teaching to engineering, get inspired by young people currently working.

woman writing mathematical  equation
Jobs that use Maths

Explore the options of careers that use maths

Events (competitions, workshops and summer schools)

image in space
2023 CineSpace Competition

share your work inspired by, and using, actual NASA imagery

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Girls who code:

summer programs for high school students

graduates throwing their hats
LondonMed Summer School

You will gain a greater understanding of the realities of being a doctor and the skills need to be a more competitive medical school applicant.

photo of Cambridge campus
Cambridge Biology Summer School (Ages 16-18)

The Immerse Biology summer school programme delves into cell theory on a much deeper and advanced level than you will have learnt before